Warriors of 30th GMBr receive one more food parcel form PFVMH medics
A trailerful of homemade preserves from villagers of Postolne and Chervone, Sumy Oblast, has been delivered to the location of the 30th Guards Mechanized Brigade and distributed among its positions. The boxes with food also contained touching letters and children’s drawings for warriors, anesthesiologist and resuscitation expert of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH) Maryna Bilinska reported.
According to Bilinska, who has just returned from Donetsk Oblast, the food collection for defenders of Ukraine was initiated and organized by her parents, Roman Bilinsky, Postolne Village Council Chairman, and Antonina Bilinska, head doctor of the local outpatient clinic. The letters and drawings were the villager’s own initiative.
Maryna Bilinska is an anesthesiologist / resuscitation expert at Sumy Municipal Clinical Hospital #1. As a member of the PFVMH, she worked for three months at the medical station of one of the brigade’s battalions. Her father is also related to the volunteer hospital: in the fall of 2015 he participated in the record-setting cardioscreening that the PFVMH carried out in Khmelnytsky Oblast, during which its doctors examined 22,433 residents in 565 localities.