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  • info@pdmsh.ua
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  • 07 August 2022
  • 183
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The war has become a challenge for volunteer medics

In an interview with the Polish Radio Ukrainian Service, PFVMH leader Gennady Druzenko admitted that “sometimes, the experienced doctors of the First Volunteer Mobile Hospital for the first time see such severe injuries” during this war.

“We have to learn to live in a state of war. Like Israel has been living for decades. We must learn how to make weapons, put the economy on a military footing, and make service in the army the most prestigious occupation.”

The Ukrainian lawyer and public activist told about how the hospital works in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and how doctors save the lives of both military and civilians. He also thanked the Polish government for the support it provides to Ukrainians.

Listen to the interview on the Polish Radio site


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