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  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 03 June 2022
  • 221
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Svitlana Druzenko: “We have a red zone even where we live”

When PFVMH was going eastward, it was supposed that the volunteer medics would not work in the “red zone,” Svitlana Druzenko, coordinator of the volunteer hospital’s evacuation crews told journalist Dmitry Tuzov in an interview. “But it turns out that we have a red zone almost all the time, even where we live, let alone where the crews work.” According to her, they go to the conditionally yellow zone that tends to turn red because it is shelled and fusilladed almost every day.

In an interview, Svitlana also told about how the PFVMH team works, how evacuations are carried out, what qualifications PFVMH doctors have and what motivates them, how legislation needs to be amended for volunteers to be able to work properly, what Ukraine will be like after the war and what there will be with PFVMH.



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