PFVMH volunteers joined rescue of Ukrainian servicemen injured in fire in Luhansk Oblast
On Tuesday night, medics of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital helped stabilize and evacuate four servicemen who had been injured in a fire. As reported by the PFVMH current rotation commander, Ihor Buyvol, the fire resulted from an explosion on March 21 in a house in the Troyitske village, Luhansk Oblast, in which the Ukrainian servicemen were quartered. He said he does not know what was the cause of the explosion.
According to the rotation commander, nine PFVMH volunteers participated in care and evacuation of the injured, including all the seven doctors who came for carrying out preventive examination of children in (pre)schools of Popasna, Luhansk Oblast.
The PFVMH medics stepped in the life-saving in the Popasna Central District Hospital, where the injured servicemen were brought to by military medics. In the hospital, the condition of the warriors was stabilized. Then, the volunteers and the military medics delivered them to an air medical service station, from where they were taken by a helicopter and brought to the rear for further treatment.
“The rescue operation lasted until deep into the night,” Buyvol said. “Thank God, all [the injured soldiers] are stable. No amputation. Burns.”