PFVMH doctor analyses situation in Stanytsya Luhanska

A Volyn Oblast Rada member and a doctor at the Volyn Oblast Clinical Hospital’s Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Department, Serhiy Sivak spent the first month of the current not-too-hot summer in a place that can become hot any time in any season. As a medic of the June rotation mission of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, the anesthesiologist from Lutsk worked in the Central District Hospital in Stanytsya Luhanska, which is not just a town near the front line but one sitting in fact on the very line of contact. This experience encouraged Mr. Sivak to draft an info memo with his analysis of the situation that has developed in this town and in frontline localities of Eastern Ukraine in general.
Within next couple of days, Mr. Sivak is going to give the memo to Oleh Musiy, Deputy Head of the Parliamentary Committee on Health. According to the author, he presented the document to his PFVMH colleagues and they undersigned it: surgeons Tamara Kovtun from Dnipro and Vadym Martakov from Zaporizhya, anesthesiologist Serhiy Moskalets from Dnipro, OB/GYNs Yosyp Kutasevych from Vinnytsya and Maryana Poberezhnyk from Stryi and otolaryngologist Yilia Paskevych from Kyiv.
Read a structured account of the memo contents in Ukrainian.