• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 05 July 2022
  • 193
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PFVMH deployed a state-of-the-art mobile hospital in Kyiv Oblast

In one of Kyiv Oblast’s localities where Russian orcs destroyed the hospital, PFVMH deployed a state-of-the-art mobile hospital donated by the Danish government. Tents and equipment, including heavy-duty power generators and an oxygen station, were installed by Ukrainians under the guidance of Danish experts who shared their knowledge and skills in deploying and organizing work in such a hospital.

It took five railroad cars to deliver it to Ukraine. “Fully deployed, this hospital is a whole medical village of 80×80 meters, that is, almost a hectare,” says Gennadiy Druzenko, PFVMH leader. “It has everything: an operating room (two can be deployed), an intensive care unit, examination rooms.”

According to PFVMH Medical Director Vsevolod Steblyuk, this complex, according to the NATO classification, is a second-level emergency hospital for civilian population. It has 30 inpatient beds and six beds in the intensive care unit and can receive up to 300 outpatients per day. The hospital can perform seven major surgeries and 15 intermediate operations or up to 30 minor surgical interventions.

“This is an excellent model of combining the efforts of PFVMH’s volunteers and management as well as local doctors, most of whom cannot work because their hospital was destroyed, and their patients cannot receive timely care,” says Gennadiy Druzenko.

Watch the video for more details on the mobile hospital and its equipment:



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