• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 14 March 2024
  • 63
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“Nobody is as motivated as volunteers,” says Serhiy “Travel” Lytvynchuk

In this must-see video, set against the backdrop of war, talking about himself is someone who usually talks about others. The one who is usually on the other side of the video camera attached to his body armor — unless his hands are captured in the frame while helping the wounded.

Serhiy Lytvynchuk (“Travel”) says he is grateful to fate for bringing him to the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital ranks. The footage from his chest camera about the war and PFVMH was used by British The Guardian, American CNN, German ARD, and many other leading publications and TV channels.

“Before the war, my wife and I traveled a lot. To keep those happy moments in our memory, I learned how to film and edit videos. Going east [to the combat zone], I took along my camera — I knew I would certainly film. But I did not realize then how important all this was — and not only for me. With each passing day in the war, I understood more and more: everything my chest camera recorded was an invaluable memory of the people I was with. This is a chronicle of events that have already become history.”

In his opinion, “nobody is as motivated as volunteers. And it is excruciating to know that the state comes back to us only once a year.”


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