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  • 06 April 2024
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Molfar: “A doctor’s efficiency at the front line is sometimes higher than in civil medicine”

At the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, this guy goes by the nom de guerre “Molfar.” However, he doesn’t live in the Carpathian Mountains but in Cherkasy, where he works as an anesthesiologist at a hospital and teaches at a medical academy.

“Many people believe that anesthesiology is just coming in, giving some injection, the person falls asleep, wakes up, and goes from the operating room to the ward. No. Anesthesiology is actually a great science,” claims Molfar.

In the video, filmed during his second mission with PFVMH, the doctor explains why he is at the front and how the work of a doctor in the rear differs from that at war —in an ambulance and at a stabilization post to the accompaniment of artillery.

According to him, military medicine, in general, and PFVMH, in particular, represent the highest level of heroism. “Here, the efficiency of your actions is sometimes higher than in civil medicine.”

Attention! YouTube warns that this video “may be inappropriate for viewers under 18 years of age.”


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