• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 22 March 2022
  • 228
  • 0

Gennadiy Druzenko: “My response to the scum”

Since yesterday, I’ve been receiving hundreds of brutal threats. It’s OK. The wartime years have taught me: the braver one is on the internet, the timider he is offline.

Therefore, all these Russian “internet rembos” go directly to the ban.

There is something else that unveils the meanness of the Russian creeps and their henchmen: they try to intimidate my wife by sending her all sorts of guck with their perverted sadistic fantasies.

Neither I nor Svitlana Druzenko is afraid of these creeps. If there is at least one among them ready to crawl out of their stinky online underground to under the sunshine, I invite him for a man-to-man talk. The whereabouts of our base are known.

I publicly promise once again: we won’t sterilize anybody. We have neither time nor desire to spend time on you. We’ll kill – not the POWs but the brutal scumbags who rape my land.

I’m not a medic, and I’ll protect my family by all means available to me. Without any hesitation or pity.

Welcome to hell, Russians!


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