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  • 18 July 2017
  • 1062
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Defense Minister decorates 31 PFVMH volunteers

Defense Minister GA Stepan Poltorak has awarded a group of medics of the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital “for their significant personal contribution to the provision of specialized medical aid to servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine” participating in the Anti-Terrorist Operation. Order #453, signed by the Minister on July 4, 2017, also mentions the “exemplary performance of their duties” by the volunteer medics and the “high professionalism” they showed.

A total of 31 PFVMH participants were awarded a Badge of Honor and a medal “For Assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine” by this order. The first four of them to receive their awards were those present in the PFVMH office on Monday, after the decorations had been delivered. The Badges of Honor were given to PFVMH Supervisory Board Chairman Oleh Shyba, PFVMH President Gennadiy Druzenko and PFVMH Vice President for Logistics Ihor Buyvol, and the medal “For Assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” to Executive Director of the Charitable Foundation “Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital” Tamila Danilevska.

The rest of decorations will be sent to where their holders work – either at their place of residence or in the ATO zone. A complete list of the awardees can be found in the excerpt from the order.

This conferment was initiated by MP Yuriy Bublik, who sent a corresponding inquiry to the Defense Minister, according to the lawmaker’s blog.

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