• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 08 May 2022
  • 207
  • 0

“Our doctors see what people should not see” – Gennadiy Druzenko

It is a real war over there in the east. Terrible. Brutal. Merciless. Once again, in the ruined settlements, the ambulances, and the operating rooms, our doctors see what people should not see.

Yesterday, a mortar shell landed a few dozens of meters from our ambulance that was evacuating a wounded woman from Pryvillia to Lysychansk. When the fragment was extracted from her, our team drove her home, that is, nearly the front line where she lives in a cellar because there are no vacant beds in the hospital.

Yesterday, the orcs shelled another ambulance on the road, as it was carrying a wounded girl from Bakhmut to Dnipro…

Our medics also work with victims of phosphorus bombings in Popasna. Victims of missile attacks that make apartment buildings fold like a house of cards. And with soldiers, soldiers, and soldiers with blackened faces who stream into the hospital from the frontline with shell explosion traumas. Those who sank their teeth deep into the Ukrainian ground but lack such an elementary thing as ample ammunition to defend it efficiently. As one wounded warrior said, “for our one shell they pour ten…”

Gennadiy Druzenko


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