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  • 13 May 2022
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“If Putin is not stopped in Ukraine, he will go further, and no one in Europe will be safe,” medics from overseas

Yesterday, a PFVMH crew evacuated three wounded in one ambulance. One of them had an open fracture and his tourniquets had to be reapplied since he was bleeding excessively. Another needed IV but had his hand hanging off, so the medic had to climb on top of the gurney while the ambulance was speeding. And the third one was with a shrapnel wound.

The process of that night evacuation is shown in the first video below.

“Your organization is definitely saving lives – I’m proud to be part of the team!” said Jennifer, a participant in this evacuation – a certified nurse from Los Angeles who joined PFVMH in late April. Another participant was Dr. Elena, who also came from over the ocean but from Hamilton, Canada. She joined PFVMH in March.

The day before Jennifer and Elena became the heroines of the Telewizja wPolsce channel’s program “How bloody are the battles in Ukraine?” (the second video). Reporter Jakub Maciejewski spoke with them while they, on duty, waited for the wounded. Taking advantage of the fact that Jennifer did not understand Polish, Jakub revealed her secret: she cheats on her mother, telling her that she is completely safe in Poland. One day, during a telephone conversation, an air alarm sounded. “What is this alarm?” the mother asked. “It’s a signal for breakfast. Gotta run,” Jennifer calmed her.

However, the Polish journalist joked that to some extent Jennifer is telling the truth that she is in Poland, as this ambulance was brought from the Polish city of Nowy Targ.

A somewhat different family situation is with Elena, an ethnic Russian who emigrated to the United States in 2006 and moved to Canada in 2011. “My mother supports Putin, she doesn’t believe me. She says that Russian television shows a different story.”

Asked whether it was hard to be a Russian in the war zone in Ukraine, Elena said it was not at all. “I haven’t had any problems speaking only Russian. And when we worked in Bucha and Hostomel where people suffered from the Russian military, I never had any problems with me being Russian and coming from Canada to help. So no, I cannot complain. Ukrainians are great. They appreciate what we do”

According to Jennifer, it’s unbelievable what’s going on in Ukraine. “It’s genocide by Putin. And the world needs to wake up because it’s gonna keep on going if he isn’t stopped now.” Elena agrees, ” Right now, Ukraine needs all help it can get from the European Union and NATO because if Putin is not stopped here he might go forward, and nobody will be safe in Europe.”

To the question in the title of the program, Jakub Maciejewski answered that yes, the battles are bloody. “However, to make it clear, Ukrainian losses are not so threatening. You see, we are sitting here talking, that is, the help of medics is not needed continuously. But we know for sure that the biggest losses are on the Russian side. That’s where soldiers are treated like cannon fodder.”

In the Warsaw studio, the anchor noted that there is an opinion that this war in Ukraine is the last battle of World War II. “Ukrainians are finishing what the West has not completed,” Yakub responded.



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