• 0800334903
  • info@pdmsh.ua
  • Код ЄДРПОУ / USR Code 39932886
  • 01 May 2022
  • 714
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GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to buy armored ambulances for PFVMH. The first milestone is CA$385,000

A campaign was launched on GoFundMe today to raise funds for purchasing armored ambulance vehicles for Ukraine. The first milestone for the campaign is set at CA$385,000 (US$300,000)

Zak in the company of his two rescue dogs

The fundraising campaign was organized by Zak, a Canadian, media and press liaison for West Island Youth Symphony Orchestra, upon agreement with PFVMH Supervisory Board Chairman Gennadiy Druzenko.

The ultimate beneficiary of this campaign is PFVMH. “However, as the GoFundMe campaign does not transfer funds to Ukraine, there is no alternative but for me to assume the role of PFVMH’s proxy-beneficiary, and have the funds forwarded in full to the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital (PFVMH), all as audited by the accounting firm KMRS of Montreal,” Zak explains on the campaign page.

Zak also explains that he got involved after he saw on the CTV network an interview with two Canadian medics working as PFVMH volunteers in Ukraine who were pleading in the interview to get armored ambulances as their regular ones were shot at and pierced by Russian bullets. “I just could not sit back!”

“I decided to set aside my duties on the Board of the West Island Youth Orchestra, roll my sleeves up, harness the full extent of my project managerial and organizational experience to the cause and embark on this project that became a priority of mine!” writes Zak.

Then he was introduced to Druzenko and agreed with him to launch immediately a fundraising campaign to purchase and ship to Ukraine up to five armored ambulances.

The ambulances will be acquired one by one. As the fundraising meets a milestone per the cost of each ambulance, CA$385,000, freight included, the vehicle will be shipped to Ukraine and the campaign will continue to acquire up to a total of five vehicles, milestone by milestone, each milestone being the cost of yet one more ambulance.

Please visit the fundraising campaign page for more details. Please donate and/or spread the word!



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